Otaqui.com Blog

Reacting To Events with the Dojo Dijit Editor

I was writing a custom set of validation routines for a form, and using Dojo’s Dijit.Editor component – and having some trouble attaching my “invalid” class and a tooltip to a ‘required’ editor.

There were several parts to the problem:

Ignoring all the rest, and a lot of the specifics (since I’m sure there are better ways to achieve all this) I’m just going to note how to get use dojo.connect to respond to a ‘click’ inside the editor area. It’s worth noting that using the normal method’s you would expect sort of work – but only when you click on the Editor’s toolbar rather than the inside the editable area. That being said, here you go:

<textarea dojoType="dijit.Editor" id="dijitEditor">Click Me</textarea>
dojo.addOnLoad(function() {
 var dijitEditor = dijit.byId('dijitEditor');
 var eBody = dijitEditor.iframe.contentDocument.body;
function onEditorClick() {
 alert('you clicked the editor window');

NB – Not IE-friendly . This won’t work in IE because of the contentDocument property, which it doesn’t support – but you could use the document.frames[] array instead. Note that the iframe’s id is widgetid+’_iframe’ in all except Mozilla. So something like this:

dojo.addOnLoad(function() {
 var dijitEditor = dijit.byId('dijitEditor');
 var eBody;
 if ( dojo.isIE ) {
  eBody = document.frames['dijitEditor_iframe'].body;
 } else {
  eBody = dijitEditor.iframe.contentDocument.body;

I really went down the rabbit hole for while chasing ‘ondijitclick’ and the ‘events’ / ‘captureEvents’ properties of the Dijit.Editor, but ended up using this fairly straightforward custom method.