Posted on 02/10/2012. By Pete Otaqui.
The obvious answer to the question “should you choose an Event Emitter, Pub Sub or Deferred / Promises” is that it depends on what you are doing.
In this post I will explore a little about how each pattern works with (very ) basic implementations, and then I’ll look at the reasons why you might choose one over another.
Event Emitter
What I’ve termed “Event Emitter”, a phrase borrowed from node, is probably the most well known of the three observer patterns I’m covering here in the web development world, since it’s the same pattern that DOM Events follow: you have an instance of a thing, and you bind event listener functions to it. When that event is triggered, your functions are called with some arguments.
jQuery makes this trivial:
$('.some-class').click(function(ev) { console.log('you clicked!'); });
To implement this yourself on your own objects is also fairly easy if you only want something simplistic. I’m going to supply a simple way to do something “on()” and event, and also to “trigger()” events. Note that I haven’t written anything here to allow for “unsubscribing”, “cancellation”, “bubbling”, or provided any other utility methods like “once()”.
function EventEmitter() { var events = {}; this.on = function(name, fn) { events[name] = events[name] || []; events[name].push(fn); } this.trigger = function(name, args) { events[name] = events[name] || []; args = args || []; events[name].forEach(function(fn) { fn.apply(this, args); } } } var my_event_emitter = new EventEmitter(); my_event_emitter.on('curtain_dropped', function(encore) { console.log('applause'); if ( encore ) console.log('encore! encore!'); }); my_event_emitter.trigger('curtain_dropped', [true]);
Pub Sub
Pub Sub is in some ways quite similar to Event Emitter. The key difference is that you do everything in something of a “void”. You never know anything about what published a “topic” or wether anything is “subscribed” – the pieces are much more loosely joined.
Here’s a very basic implementation of the pattern:
// since we're creating global functions on window, let's wrap // everything in a closure so that we get a private scope (function(global) { var topics = {}; global.subscribe = function(name, fn) { topics[name] = topics[name] || []; topics[name].push(fn); } global.publish = function(name, args) { topics[name] = topics[name] || []; topics[name].forEach(function(fn) { fn.apply(this, args); }); } })(window); subscribe('download_started', function(total_kb) { console.log('will download an extra', total_kb); }); publish('download_started', [1024]);
Deferred Promises
The mighty Kris Zyp authored the CommonJS Promises/A proposal . To describe why promises are useful, you can consider a function which takes a “callback” as an argument, such as an HTTP request. If you really only want to do one thing in your callback, that’s fine, but as code and requirements get more complicated, your callback can become very messy and full of branching code.
By using the promise pattern, you don’t provide a callback to the function. Instead, the object you get back from the function allows you add callbacks to itself – this is called the “promise” object. Let’s look at how you might code it, bearing in mind that there’s a lot here I haven’t done (such as a when() function, the ability to add done() and fail() callbacks after resolution, chaining, etc, etc).
function Deferred() { var resolved_callbacks = [], rejected_callbacks = []; this.resolve = function(args) { resolved_callbacks.forEach(function(fn) { fn.apply(this, args); }); }; this.reject = function(args) { rejected_callbacks.forEach(function(fn) { fn.apply(this, args); }); }; this.promise = { done : function(fn) { resolved_callbacks.push(fn); } fail : function(fn) { rejected_callbacks.push(fn); } } } // In order to use this, some async function of // yours will create a deferred, resolve or reject // it later, and return its promise. function make_ajax_request(url) { var deferred = new Deferred(); $.get(url, { success: function(data) { deferred.resolve(data); }, error: function(xhr, error) { deferred.reject(error); } }); return deferred.promise; } // now you get to the real client part, // where we are calling the async function, // and attaching various callbacks willy nilly. var promise = make_ajax_request('foo.json'); promise.done(function() { console.log('it succeeded!'); } promise.fail(function() { console.log('it failed'); } if ( /\bMSIE 6/.test(navigator.userAgent) ) { promise.done(function() { console.log('Amazing that anything works really'); } promise.fail(function() { console.log('Well, what did you expect!'); } }
[NB – the example implementation above is even more stupid than it might first appear because jQuery returns “promises” from all ajax functions!]
Discussion Part 1: EE vs PS
The two of these three patterns that are most straightforward to compare are the Event Emitter and Pub Sub. Here’s a quick breakdown:
Event Emitter | Pub Sub | |
Coupling | Tight | Loose |
Control | Fine | Coarse |
Example | Parents reacting to child events | Global interactions across UI |
As you can see, Event Emitter requires that you have a reference to the “thing” that you are listening to an event on. Pub Sub does not have that requirement, and all topics are published in a single “global” scope.
Pub Sub is more simple to manage in many ways – something publishes, something subscribes, and that’s all there is to it. However, it breaks the idea of encapsulation really thoroughly. Event Emitter on the other hand has a higher barrier to entry – you have to “know” about the thing you want to listen to events on, but it does keep things much more contained with known boundaries.
The question then is, what are you building? If you’re sticking very strictly to something like Nikolas Zakas’ sandboxed model (which seems to be a very nice fit for the Yahoo homepage, but not every kind of web page) then you can stick to Event Emitter and you don’t need to worry about much else. If you’re building a complex, rich, interconnected UI you’re almost certainly going to get some benefit from using Pub Sub.
I would also suggest that a lot of things that happen “globally” could be done very nicely with Pub Sub. Take logging for example – whether you’re using console.log or other global logging method, it might make much more sense to publish on a logging topic – and allow anything that wants to subscribe to it, whether that’s a user notification system, or for debugging, or whatever. Another example might be network activity – by publishing individual network events globally, it becomes much easier to manage user notification (for example with a single compound spinner / loading bar).
Discussion Part 2: Deferred Promises
Using deferred and promises was a bit more of a mental leap for me to start with. In fact, it wasn’t until I messed about with trying to implement the Promises/A specification myself that I really started to get the idea and grok how to use it.
Unless you’re writing some kind of framework, you’re fairly unlikely to be creating a deferred object and returning a promise. It’s more likely that you’ll be using a promise given back to you by something else, for example jQuery’s AJAX functions. Promises are really just a more powerful way of doing “callbacks”, so definitely have their uses. We can look at some jQuery code here:
// STAGE 1 - SIMPLE // callbacks $.get('foo.json', { success: function(data) { updateDom(data); }, error: function() { alert('there was a problem'); } ); // same thing, using the promise: $.get('foo') .done(function(data) { updateDom(data); }) .fail(function() { alert('there was a problem'); }); // STAGE 2 // now lets do something else on success AND failure // callbacks $.get('foo.json', { success: function(data) { removeLoadingIndicator(); updateDom(data); }, error: function() { removeLoadingIndicator(); alert('there was a problem'); } ); //promise $.get('foo') .done(function(data) { updateDom(data); }) .fail(function() { alert('there was a problem'); }); .always(function() { removeLoadingIndicator(); }); // STAGE 3 // let's branch depending on some states // callbacks $.get('foo.json', { success: function(data) { updateDom(data); if ( !waitingForMore() ) { removeLoadingIndicator(); } else { updateLoadingIndicator(); } }, error: function() { alert('there was a problem'); if ( !waitingForMore() ) { removeLoadingIndicator(); } else { updateLoadingIndicator(); } } ); // and promises //promise $.get('foo') .done(function(data) { updateDom(data); }) .fail(function() { alert('there was a problem'); }); .always(function() { if ( !waitingForMore() ) { removeLoadingIndicator(); } else { updateLoadingIndicator(); } });
As you can see, the more complex the things you want to do with your callbacks, the nicer promises seem. You normally get a fairly nice API with Deffered / Promises implementations, which will let you add “callbacks” even after the async operation has completed – and they will just be executed immediately. If you find CommonJS a bit hard to plough through, you could take a look at the jQuery Deferred Object .
So we looked at three variations of the basic “Observer” pattern, how they might be implemented and what they might be useful for: Event Emitter is a real classic, and allows for good practices and control over things that happen; Pub Sub is more flexible for cross-component events; Deferred and Promises give a powerful way to handle callbacks.